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[Name] Randy , Addison , Zi Zhao
[Age] 15
{First Cry] 1st , 22nd and 31st August
[School] Regent Secondary School

Bla Bla Bla ~ !

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

What makes Singapore a united , racial harmony country ?

Well , I Personally think that it is really important to have peace and harmony in a country.Why would I have said that ?
Firstly , think about the consequences of not having peace in a country.
There will be fights , quarrels , arguments , perhaps even over a trivial matter.
Secondly , think about what will happened if there is no such a thing as " Racial Harmony " .
Racism will occur ? Number of Racists will definitely increase too . There are real life cases of such events which were reported on the news.Those Chinese will always find a way to find fault at the Malays just because of discrimination.
In The Past , Chinese much hated the Malays.Why ? Reason that the Chinese gave was that the Malays were smelly , does not share the same skin colour as us. So , the Chinese and Malays would not / could not mix with one another.
Like mentioned,the Chinese will find fault at the Malays for every wrong thing that they have done.Firstly , even when the Malay family accidentally hung their clothes , which were still wet , out to dry , the water will tend to drip onto the clothes of the family which are living on the previous level.And even worse , if the family happens to be a Chinese family , they will definitely kick up a fuss about the matter.
But now , I guess times have changed.
Now on the streets , you see Chinese and Malay hanging around with each other.People no longer discriminate other races like before,instead,working together to have a brighter future with each and everyone.Perhaps people find it pointless fighting with each other everyday , having to argue with people from other races.It is absolutely pointless,and tiring as well.
Governments have also played a part in resolving problems like this.Stop all fights and quarrels , let us work together hand in hand , to achieve something which we all want.You are a Singaporean , I am also a Singaporean , so let us just stop fighting just because of being in a different race.

In fact , not only do these people stop their arguments and fights, they also help one another when needed.In school, you can easily see a Chinese teaching a Malay which he/she do not seem to understand and vice-Versa.No more racism , no more discrimination , just friends!

In Singapore , there are many cases which you can see different races helping out each other.Take SARS for an example.When SARS first started,everybody tend to be selfish , they showed the " you not my family , so never mind if you get SARS " kind of attitude.But gradually , when one neighbour of theirs gets the virus,they will also be sad.Reason is that neighbours should also show care for each other.Doctors and nurses do their part to save/cure the patients , while neighbours help by giving the patients moral support.That is showing care and concern for one another.

Secondly,the wanted criminal,Mas Selamat,was reported that he had managed to escape from the security of Singapore.Being in such situation,the wanted criminal might just be anywhere, with news broadcast,newspaper headlines,people are all afraid of this criminal.Wondering what will happened if he really appears out of nowhere and harms their family members.In such cases, Singaporeans should be even more united.They went around,spreading the bad news to each other,warning each other about the wanted criminal.Advising them on not going home too late of not necessary.In this event,I have witnessed Malay neighbour telling stuff about the wanted criminal to my family.At that point of time, I was thinking " Singapore should be like this , just like now ! ".
On occasions like Hari Raya , Christmas , Chinese New Year , Deepavali , you often see people inviting their friends to their house, to also celebrate the happy occasions with them. And friends from a different race! Isn't this just simply amazing?

I personally think that people should respect each other's races / religions.Any mistakes , any wrong words which could offend the other races or religions would probably lead to arguments and fights again.By respecting the other races,one very simple example is that , by not eating food or drinking water right in front of the Malays when they are having the " Fasting Month ".
On a certain day, people celebrate Racial harmony Day , to recall how we overcome all the difficulties of Racial Segregation.

lalalalala left the world of darkness on 3:23 AM


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Herk Siang Is Loved ! <3

lalalalala left the world of darkness on 10:28 PM
